Episode 11
Beyond Business: Serving God, Community, and Chicken in Small Town Friendly
In this episode of 'Small Town, Big God,' host Mikel Collins explores how big businesses can play a vital role in small-town life through a faith-driven approach. The guest, Sam Siegler, owner of the Chick-fil-A in Forest City, North Carolina, shares his journey from being a team member to an operator, inspired by the values of Chick-fil-A's founder Truett Cathy. Siegler discusses his dedication to community service, his efforts during Hurricane Helene, and his evangelism work in both local and international contexts. The episode delves into practical ways to blend business with ministry, emphasizing leadership, team care, and a focus on community needs. Additionally, Siegler highlights his involvement with Hope Network, a women's recovery ministry, demonstrating his commitment to making a lasting impact beyond the business realm.
00:00 Introduction to Small Town, Big God
00:57 Meet Sam Siegler: Chick-fil-A Owner
01:20 Truett Cathy's Legacy and Community Impact
06:19 The Journey to Becoming a Chick-fil-A Operator
14:10 Hurricane Helene: Leadership in Crisis
25:33 Community First: Serving Beyond Business
32:52 Hope Network and Personal Involvement
38:13 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
Welcome to Small Town, Big God.
Speaker:My name is Michael Collins, and I have another story for
Speaker:you of how God is working in Rutherford County, North Carolina.
Speaker:We have a lot of fantastic, small, local businesses here in Small
Speaker:Town Friendly and we also have a lot of big corporate businesses.
Speaker:Today, we're going to try to give you an answer to the question, How can a
Speaker:big business be a part of a small town?
Speaker:And more importantly, how can a big business serve God?
Speaker:Our guest today is Sam Siegler.
Speaker:Who runs the Chick fil A in Forest City.
Speaker:I invited Sam on the show because I've gotten to know him over the last year.
Speaker:And I think by learning a little bit about his mindset and how he
Speaker:runs his restaurant, we can get an answer to those two questions.
Speaker:So thank you for listening.
Speaker:Hope you enjoy the show and let's meet Sam.
Speaker:my name is Sam Siegler.
Speaker:I am the owner operator of the Chick fil A in Forest City, North Carolina.
Speaker:I have been here for approximately three years.
Speaker:been enjoying small town, small town friendly.
Speaker:I graduated the Citadel down in Charleston, in 2014 and started working
Speaker:for Chick fil A right out of the gate.
Speaker:Sam is a business owner, but he also has a heart for ministry.
Speaker:And as a college student, he saw the heart and the vision behind Chick
Speaker:fil A that was set up by Truett Cathy and the whole Cathy family, who were
Speaker:the ones who started Chick fil A.
Speaker:And he realized that this company could provide him with an
Speaker:opportunity to serve and minister to people through his business.
Speaker:Truett Kathy was an amazing man.
Speaker:sadly I never got to meet him.
Speaker:I wish I did.
Speaker:Um, but one of my favorite Truett stories is, this couple had a, a child with autism
Speaker:Obviously that's at times difficult, there's a lot of happiness and joy in that
Speaker:but also difficult times and Something that has to be, prayerfully done.
Speaker:this couple was really excited.
Speaker:Their church was putting on a, weekend retreat for parents
Speaker:with kids with special needs.
Speaker:they were like this will be our one time to get up into the mountains of Georgia,
Speaker:super pumped, we'll go up, have, a weekend retreat and come back recharged,
Speaker:ready to hit the ground running.
Speaker:And so they dropped their child off at.
Speaker:The local church and, they left, they got on the highway, started heading up towards
Speaker:North Georgia, the mountains, and they got a phone call about an hour and a half,
Speaker:two hours from leaving their child, the church was like, hey, I hate to say this,
Speaker:I know y'all are trying to get away, but I don't know if this is going to work.
Speaker:I don't know if we're going to be able to, keep your child.
Speaker:for the weekend or the night or whatever it was, I don't think this is gonna work I
Speaker:think it's best that y'all probably turned around He's just not being cooperative.
Speaker:it's just not working out.
Speaker:They were like, okay, well, we're in between exits right now.
Speaker:Everyone's been between exits before.
Speaker:It's like, okay, I guess, we'll go another 15, 20 minutes down the road,
Speaker:turn around and start heading back.
Speaker:they get to that exit they pull off and the church is calling again.
Speaker:They're like, Hey, I promise you we're turning around right now.
Speaker:We're coming.
Speaker:And the church is like, Whoa, we might be okay.
Speaker:And the parents are kind of bewildered.
Speaker:they're thinking, there goes our night, there goes our weekend, of just being
Speaker:able to have some respite and some peace.
Speaker:and the church was like, Hey, A man came in and is rocking
Speaker:your son in a rocking chair.
Speaker:this is a Friday, five or 6 PM.
Speaker:they're like a man came in and is rocking your kid in rocking chair and
Speaker:your kid's having the best time ever.
Speaker:we're going to figure it out.
Speaker:don't worry about us.
Speaker:You guys keep going.
Speaker:y'all go have, fun.
Speaker:y'all's night, y'all's weekend.
Speaker:And so the parents, were like, okay, like,
Speaker:is this man volunteer?
Speaker:Like, who is this man That's holding our child in a rocking chair and rocking him.
Speaker:And the church said, hey, it's, true at Cathy.
Speaker:It's true at Cathy, holding your son keeping your son safe
Speaker:and helping your son cope with being in a different environment.
Speaker:And so for me, I always admire that story of Truett Cathy and think about
Speaker:how I need to continue to find ways in my community to help other people, to
Speaker:give people the benefit of the doubt, to give people, the opportunity for
Speaker:respite, to serve in my community.
Speaker:because again, that's the kind of man Truett Cathy was.
Speaker:And honestly, I would do Chick fil A.
Speaker:Um, as well as the town of Forest City in Rutherford County, a disservice
Speaker:if I didn't try being a person that strived to be more like, Jesus,
Speaker:first of all, but also more like Truett Cathy, in the community.
Speaker:And so that's why we do so many other things that we do.
Speaker:every month we have Cookies for a Cause.
Speaker:we're always trying to, give percentages of sales to nonprofits each month.
Speaker:that's why, we're doing.
Speaker:Some of the other different things that we do again, just to try to build not
Speaker:only community awareness, but also try to be the trick Kathy, um, in this county.
Speaker:I always find it funny.
Speaker:I'll go somewhere and someone be like, You're the chicken man, and I'm like,
Speaker:if I'm the chicken man, I'll take it.
Speaker:But My name is Sam.
Speaker:I want to be known more for my actions than just chicken.
Speaker:My hope is that my reach is a lot farther than just this generation.
Speaker:I hope for generations to come, people, know of the ministry
Speaker:that we've done with Chick fil A,
Speaker:And I think the way to do that is to be more like Jesus and more
Speaker:like Truett and continue to serve, sometimes behind the scenes, sometimes
Speaker:up front and center when things need to be, advertised to the public, but
Speaker:definitely, always that story of true.
Speaker:It always just rings true.
Speaker:And I'd be remiss if I didn't say that is again, just, I want to
Speaker:model my life after not only Jesus.
Speaker:First and foremost, but also just
Speaker:how true it lived his life.
Speaker:in a sense of fun abundance, but also in a sense of service
Speaker:Pretty simply went from being a team member at a Chick fil a to, move into
Speaker:a different Chick fil a and being a team leader in Greenville move my way up to
Speaker:a general manager or manager position at the Chick fil a in Greenville and
Speaker:then, applied to become an operator.
Speaker:started, became an operator, about nine months after I applied.
Speaker:Was in Shelby, which is just 30 minutes away from here, and was
Speaker:there for about two and a half years and then came to Forest City.
Speaker:I've heard that process of becoming a Chick fil A owner operator,
Speaker:is more intensive than just like McDonald's or some other franchise.
Speaker:Is that?
Speaker:Yeah, so there's obviously there's differences between all
Speaker:franchises, and their models.
Speaker:Chick fil A believes in the person they're making an operator.
Speaker:they're not interested in how much money a person has.
Speaker:They're more interested in what I would consider the people
Speaker:capital that the person has, Hey, is this person trustworthy?
Speaker:Is this person going to have the same values
Speaker:we have?
Speaker:Is this person going to treat his people?
Speaker:Well, the process is a lot different.
Speaker:in my opinion, it's not about the capital that's in your wallet.
Speaker:It's about the capital that's in your
Speaker:Like I mentioned in the intro, I've gotten to know Sam over the past year a
Speaker:good bit, and I've seen the capital of his heart come through in a lot more ways
Speaker:than just in the context of Chick fil A.
Speaker:And I know this episode is about highlighting some of the ways that a
Speaker:business owner that's part of a large franchise can also embody the heart of
Speaker:Small Town Friendly, but also If you've lived in Rutherford County for a while,
Speaker:and you're a fan of Chick fil A, you'll probably remember all of the years before
Speaker:we had a Chick fil A, and how long it seemed to be taking for us to get one.
Speaker:I know that I was hearing rumors for years that Chick fil A was coming to
Speaker:Rutherford County, and it just felt like it was never going to happen.
Speaker:So I thought it might be interesting for us to hear a few behind the scenes
Speaker:details of exactly how we finally ended up with a Chick fil A in Forest City.
Speaker:I was at the Cleveland
Speaker:Mall in Shelby, through COVID, and Really enjoyed my time there,
Speaker:was looking for an opportunity to become a freestanding operator,
Speaker:while I was at the mall, we started doing this thing Chick fil A
Speaker:considers, an additional distribution.
Speaker:And so basically that looks like I had a 6x12 trailer that I was trying to
Speaker:find locations that we could, , Sell more chicken out of out of the mall,
Speaker:but somewhere else and Saw Forest City on the map and was like, okay, like
Speaker:let's try to find some some Ties to where we could start working something
Speaker:out there ended up working with one of the car dealerships here One of the
Speaker:first times we set up we actually sold out a lot quicker than I thought we
Speaker:were going to and I was like, okay.
Speaker:Maybe this is a good spot
Speaker:for an adp
Speaker:That additional distribution.
Speaker:this is a good spot for, us to kind of sit.
Speaker:And so we ended up doing that ADP, for about nine months, here.
Speaker:during that time, Chick fil A put a dot.
Speaker:And so, interestingly enough, that was where the restaurant sits right now is
Speaker:about 200 yards from where I had that ADP.
Speaker:And what do you mean Chick fil a put a dot?
Speaker:contrary to popular belief, operators don't decide where stores are going to go.
Speaker:it's not about capital in your wallet.
Speaker:It's about your people capital.
Speaker:Chick fil A is more saying, Hey, here are the opportunities, , that are
Speaker:available for you or for anybody.
Speaker:Um, and so I think where I kind of helped.
Speaker:Get four city a Chick fil a per se is just doing that ADP and being diligent
Speaker:about trying to make that thing work um
Speaker:yeah, I remember Hearing about the chick fil a truck that was set up or the trailer
Speaker:I guess and everybody's like go buy chick fil a Then if we buy all their chicken,
Speaker:maybe they'll put up a restaurant here,
Speaker:And I mean, honestly,
Speaker:that's kind of how it works is, putting those feelers out and being
Speaker:able to find places that have the ability to have a Chick fil A.
Speaker:And that really works in that model of having an additional distribution
Speaker:point of just learning where is going to be a good spot to be.
Speaker:My wife and I,
Speaker:Falling in love with the town.
Speaker:Both of us are from small towns.
Speaker:We're not big city people.
Speaker:whenever Chick fil A said, Hey, we're putting a dot here, like in.
Speaker:Now, you
Speaker:enjoy the town.
Speaker:I think, uh, I think
Speaker:I think corporately, we want to be a place of respite for people.
Speaker:and that's honestly the root word of restaurant respite.
Speaker:we want to be a place where people can find rest, nourishment,
Speaker:um, can find upliftment.
Speaker:Um, and I would consider us a ministry.
Speaker:it's definitely different than I thought.
Speaker:I actually got a degree in physical education me and my wife I've
Speaker:met through, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in college.
Speaker:I thought about going to FCA, but realized through working Chick fil A that I could
Speaker:do this as ministry and do this as a way to not only help the people I come in
Speaker:contact with every day, but also help, um, the communities the restaurants are in.
Speaker:It's one of those things that we're, we're trying to feed
Speaker:people, not only physical food, but also, their spirits and get them.
Speaker:to a better spot than they were when they came into us, um, for us.
Speaker:And for me, what that tangibly looks like is trying to create an
Speaker:environment that people are welcome.
Speaker:and that starts with how.
Speaker:In my opinion, how I treat my team.
Speaker:that's kind of the first pillar in my idea of what it looks like to be a ministry
Speaker:if you don't treat your people well, that are working in front of everybody else,
Speaker:then how are they going to be able to give someone happiness or joy from just
Speaker:their facial expression or the way they act or the way that they talk to somebody,
Speaker:Speaking of the team at Chick-fil-A, you might remember that Jalyn
Speaker:Ramsey works at Chick-fil-A.
Speaker:She was our guest in episode four about Hope Network.
Speaker:And Michelle Rippy from episode five also used to work at Chick-fil-A for
Speaker:a while until she decided that she just wasn't gonna show up anymore.
Speaker:If you go listen to the episode, you'll hear that it was just a
Speaker:very impulsive time for her and she's doing much better now.
Speaker:Just go listen to the episode if you want to hear that whole story.
Speaker:It's amazing.
Speaker:But the way that a leader treats their team says a lot
Speaker:about where their focus is.
Speaker:And it's the perspective that you take into your daily work that
Speaker:leads you to making the right decisions in the big moments.
Speaker:Our last episode was about Hurricane Helene, and everything
Speaker:that happened at the Rutherford County Airport during that time.
Speaker:And Chick fil A, like everyone in Western North Carolina during the
Speaker:hurricane, has a story to share about it.
Speaker:And I think that Sam's actions the day of the hurricane are a perfect representation
Speaker:of what kind of leader he is for his team.
Speaker:with Helene, I think, the biggest part about being a leader is
Speaker:looking at the people that you have and saying, Hey, are they okay?
Speaker:And so that day we opened, I was at the restaurant while the
Speaker:hurricane was passing through.
Speaker:we lost power multiple times.
Speaker:we were actually getting, uh, Catering order ready for Duke
Speaker:Power because they knew they were going to need food for that day.
Speaker:they had called a couple of days ahead, but anyway.
Speaker:We were running on a shorter staff just because.
Speaker:The restaurant wasn't busy and, I think once everyone lost power,
Speaker:everyone kind of was trying to get out and move around, which was good.
Speaker:but also was bad for my team because, they, weren't ready for the amount of
Speaker:people that showed up to the restaurant looking for food, looking for water, ice.
Speaker:Helene kind of caught everyone including ourselves by surprise.
Speaker:and I think a lot of people Didn't realize the power and force behind it
Speaker:And so we were in catch up mode That friday just trying to figure out.
Speaker:What does this look like?
Speaker:The store Had internet, it had power and so we were able to run,
Speaker:but honestly I couldn't get more team members in for the night shift
Speaker:it was hard to get team members in and a lot of team members couldn't come in.
Speaker:A lot of people were stuck, in their homes, with tree limbs down.
Speaker:And so, I had to make that split second decision of, okay,
Speaker:we got to close at some point.
Speaker:These people need to go home, assess the damage of their own homes
Speaker:because they haven't been home.
Speaker:a great example is one of my directors, she came in to help with
Speaker:the Duke energy order and actually.
Speaker:she left at like nine or 10 a.
Speaker:And she was back at the restaurant at three because she
Speaker:couldn't make it to her house.
Speaker:she lived, in the north part of the county.
Speaker:kind of on a mountain hilltop, , area and she couldn't make it home.
Speaker:And so she ended up coming back and, My wife and I let her stay at our
Speaker:house that night just because there was absolutely no way she was making it home.
Speaker:I think it's just one of those things that we had to see where we were and
Speaker:say, Hey, what's possible right now.
Speaker:What was possible was I think we stayed open that day until like?
Speaker:but then again, just kind of trying to stop everybody from coming.
Speaker:That way we could get our team out.
Speaker:cause again, my opinion is that if my team's well cared for, then
Speaker:our guests will be well cared for.
Speaker:I don't know if you were near the Walmart Chick fil A area after the
Speaker:hurricane came through, but I was.
Speaker:And I, like a lot of people, had gone out to see how bad things were in
Speaker:town and find something to do while I waited for the power to come back on.
Speaker:And let me tell you The line for Chick fil A was longer than any
Speaker:drive thru line I have ever seen.
Speaker:It went out of the parking lot, and then split into multiple directions,
Speaker:stretching well into the road that goes in front of the Walmart parking lot.
Speaker:I thought I was being smart when I parked in the Super China Buffet parking
Speaker:lot and walked down to Chick fil A.
Speaker:But it turned out to be just as busy inside.
Speaker:And I remember seeing Sam standing in a corner working over just a
Speaker:mountain of catering boxes that I assume were going out to the linemen
Speaker:crews that were starting to work.
Speaker:I never got any Chick fil A that day.
Speaker:Um, I saw on Facebook that Sam had posted saying they would be closing
Speaker:at 3, and since it was already 2 o'clock, I didn't want to add
Speaker:to the chaos before they closed.
Speaker:But I think it shows where Sam's priorities are that he
Speaker:decided to close early that day.
Speaker:Sam also said something just now that reminded me a lot of what Devin
Speaker:Rash was saying in the last episode.
Speaker:If you listened to that episode, you might have caught it, but I'm
Speaker:going to play it again for you.
Speaker:I think it's just one of those things that we had to see where we were and
Speaker:say, Hey, what's possible right now
Speaker:When we are faced with overwhelming problems, the best thing that we
Speaker:can do is just take a step back and decide, What can I do right now?
Speaker:What is step one?
Speaker:And that's the mindset that helped Sam navigate the arising problems in the
Speaker:days and weeks following the hurricane.
Speaker:We partner a lot with Duke, during catering orders cause they know we can
Speaker:fulfill them pretty much on a dime.
Speaker:And from my mall days, I've always tried to say yes to a catering order.
Speaker:especially for our line crews.
Speaker:restaurants kept power, the whole time in spurts, it would flicker on and off.
Speaker:we actually lost internet on Saturday.
Speaker:So that Saturday , we took all orders.
Speaker:And so basically like great example is like if, if someone's car
Speaker:declined, we didn't know it because we had no idea of what was going on.
Speaker:so um, we
Speaker:had catering orders going on.
Speaker:and, a big philosophy that I want to add in.
Speaker:what I learned at the mall was, Chick fil a always kind of said,
Speaker:Hey, if you're a mall operator, you should be the mayor of the mall.
Speaker:And I personally think, and I respect.
Speaker:Anyone that's in public office here in forest city there in Shelby.
Speaker:but truly I try to be slightly the mayor of forest city per se, you
Speaker:know, no, again, no offense to, to
Speaker:any elected
Speaker:No, I'm not coming for anybody's
Speaker:not coming for anybody's job, but,
Speaker:But truly, I try to be
Speaker:someone that understands what's going on in the community,
Speaker:someone that is community minded.
Speaker:but also someone that's available.
Speaker:And that's one of the things that Chick fil A really.
Speaker:in their operators that they're available in the community.
Speaker:I live in the community.
Speaker:I had trees down at my house.
Speaker:we didn't have power for, close to a week and a half or two weeks.
Speaker:But during that time, the restaurant still had power, Duke power, still
Speaker:needed food, Rutherford electric needed food and the community needed food.
Speaker:so we worked really hard to make sure that we had enough team members to run,
Speaker:staffing wise, that Friday and Saturday.
Speaker:and I think even Sunday or Monday, the store didn't have internet.
Speaker:And so I'd have to order a truck to get, supplies in, I'd have to look at what
Speaker:I had in the restaurant, drive three miles to where I could get service on my
Speaker:phone to use my laptop to put in a truck order and then go back to the restaurant.
Speaker:but genuinely, I think for us, we tried everything we could to be a
Speaker:part of the community at that point.
Speaker:and then I think right about a week after Helene hit, A now good friend of
Speaker:mine, called me and was like, Hey, I have this mobile food truck that's opening
Speaker:up in Swannanoa for the next week.
Speaker:would you help me?
Speaker:and just geographically, Swannanoa is on the east side
Speaker:of Asheville in Buncombe County.
Speaker:they were hit really hard.
Speaker:The Swannanoa river goes right beside, Swannanoa.
Speaker:as you can imagine, that river swelled.
Speaker:Chick fil a was bringing in an 18 wheeler that transforms into a
Speaker:mobile kitchen where we can, cook a lot of sandwiches really fast.
Speaker:I spent time that next week, in Swannanoa pulling double duty.
Speaker:doing, Duke power orders and Rutherford electric orders
Speaker:in the morning with my team.
Speaker:knowing my team was okay, I'd go up to Swannanoa and help on the mobile kitchen.
Speaker:our goal there was to give away 5, 000 sandwiches a day.
Speaker:We really, pushed hard to love on that community.
Speaker:a lot of trainers from all over North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia came
Speaker:to help with that and they were staying in hotels as far as Winston Salem.
Speaker:And driving each morning definitely got to see a lot of the destruction in that area.
Speaker:so many people are like, Hey, I know you were hit hard by
Speaker:Helene in the forest city area.
Speaker:And I'm like, we were, and I'm not going to take away anyone's, problems
Speaker:or strife that they had with Helene in the Rutherford County area, especially
Speaker:up in Chimney Rock or Lake Lure.
Speaker:around the restaurant was pretty fine, other than power outages.
Speaker:And so I really try to tell people, Hey, Asheville got hit hard.
Speaker:Obviously again, like I said, Lake Lure, Chimney Rock got hit hard.
Speaker:those are two places that definitely got hit harder than us.
Speaker:each day we
Speaker:000 sandwiches?
Speaker:um, really cool story.
Speaker:Uh, the 18 Wheeler rolls up, it folds down like the sides to
Speaker:make the rest of the trailer.
Speaker:And then we put 20 to 25 people inside there.
Speaker:Chick fil A brought up support center staff, which is like our home office
Speaker:or corporate staff for the delivery.
Speaker:The neat thing for us was being able to go around, and hand out sandwiches.
Speaker:obviously not everyone could get out of their situation to
Speaker:come get a sandwich from us.
Speaker:the Ingalls parking lot that the 18 Wheeler was in two days beforehand
Speaker:had three feet of mud in it.
Speaker:there was trailers that literally you could tell just got picked up and moved.
Speaker:there was a, container box like 48 to 50 feet that no one
Speaker:knew whose container it was.
Speaker:It was just sitting in the parking lot.
Speaker:the destruction we saw and the honest, um, happiness from people to see
Speaker:Chick fil a I mean, it was just a sandwich, but, they were so happy.
Speaker:I remember going to Swannanoa Baptist, and we pulled up and the
Speaker:guy with me, he is kind of runs, Crisis management for Chick fil a.
Speaker:so again, trying to figure out, okay, when Milton came through Florida, Helene
Speaker:through Georgia all the way up, how can Chick fil a help in those situations?
Speaker:Not, not only operators, but also the communities.
Speaker:he actually had a Chick fil a crisis response decal magnet on his car.
Speaker:we pulled up to Swannanoa Baptist the ladies from the church, came up and
Speaker:started crying and was like, I haven't had a real meal In days and weeks,
Speaker:she was like, I know exactly the last time I had a Chick fil a sandwich,
Speaker:she basically just broke down and I can't believe that y'all are here.
Speaker:I can't believe that y'all are working in our community.
Speaker:Just as everyone else felt around here, the communication wasn't great around
Speaker:the area, especially up in Swannanoa.
Speaker:so they really didn't know what all was going on unless you were
Speaker:getting out and really trying.
Speaker:it was definitely different.
Speaker:we were right also beside the Savage Freedom Operation.
Speaker:So being able to see those guys going in and out with helicopters,
Speaker:and rescuing people was amazing too.
Speaker:I think that at this point we're starting to get an answer to our big question
Speaker:of how can a big corporation like Chick-fil-A, still be small town friendly?
Speaker:And I think the biggest factor is the community first mindset
Speaker:that Sam was talking about.
Speaker:Community is such an important part of human life.
Speaker:We need a strong community if we're going to be mentally and spiritually healthy.
Speaker:And while most of us probably think small businesses first, when we think
Speaker:of doing business and small town friendly, the other side of the coin
Speaker:is that a large corporation has the resources to give out 5, 000 sandwiches
Speaker:a day when the community is in need.
Speaker:Now, Please don't hear this and think that I'm telling you not
Speaker:to support local small business.
Speaker:I think Rutherford County would be better off if we all put more effort
Speaker:into shopping locally and paying in cash.
Speaker:But the point that I'm trying to make is that big business with the right
Speaker:mindset can be just as much a part of Small Town Friendly as a small business.
Speaker:I think it takes a little bit more intentional effort on the
Speaker:part of the owner, and I think that Sam is a perfect example.
Speaker:And Sam is not just focused on serving the community.
Speaker:He's also trying to share the gospel.
Speaker:In fact, he recently got back from a trip to Egypt where he received
Speaker:training in evangelism and got to share the gospel alongside career
Speaker:missionaries that are stationed there.
Speaker:Yeah, went to North Africa, just about a month ago.
Speaker:that was an amazing trip.
Speaker:didn't have as many, gospel conversations As I wish I could have,
Speaker:but honestly came back with a fire to say, Hey, what can I be doing?
Speaker:Not only here in small town friendly, but also stateside where can I be a blessing
Speaker:and where can I grow in my faith here to talk to more people about about Jesus and,
Speaker:I got back or even before I got back, I started doing Duolingo to learn Arabic.
Speaker:I did have Duolingo learning Spanish and I'm not saying Spanish is going away, but
Speaker:just trying to learn a little bit more.
Speaker:Cause I felt like a lot of our conversations were very, surface
Speaker:level because, there aren't a lot of people that speak English.
Speaker:trying to have a conversation with somebody was, was kind of difficult.
Speaker:I wish that wasn't a barrier.
Speaker:And so just trying to learn a little bit of Arabic hopefully I can have a
Speaker:better conversation next time I go, which I want to go back, um, and,
Speaker:um, And also now have a soccer team.
Speaker:I heard you became a big fan
Speaker:so, so the story behind that is
Speaker:in Egypt, the Arab spring happened, where there was a lot of political unrest, and,
Speaker:a couple of, Dictators fell in the region.
Speaker:, and so interestingly enough, the squares we were going to spend time with people
Speaker:and try to, reach people with the gospel, A lot of those areas had Egyptian tourist
Speaker:police, and they were literally decked out in riot gear, AR 15s, just standing in
Speaker:squares, like, there'd be, a really nice store and two stores away from it would
Speaker:be the egyptian tourist police decked out in gear And so I asked our uber driver.
Speaker:I was like, why is this the way it is?
Speaker:And he goes well you know, a lot of bad things happened in the arab spring
Speaker:then I went back to the hotel room and long story short, started reading,
Speaker:What was on there, found out about a soccer club that was close, to where we
Speaker:were which was Al Hali, um, and ended up, looking into them and, was like,
Speaker:man, like these guys are super close.
Speaker:Like, I feel like, I a part of them now.
Speaker:learning and then started talking to some of the locals and a
Speaker:lot of them were Al Hali fans.
Speaker:trying to be a part of it and trying to have that little piece that I could
Speaker:say, Hey, I like the team you like.
Speaker:now that's become, I have a Jersey.
Speaker:We were at the mall in Egypt, North Africa, I bought a Jersey once
Speaker:I found one that would fit me.
Speaker:I'm excited.
Speaker:They're going to the FIFA world club cup, that starts in June
Speaker:and some trying to get tickets
Speaker:to go
Speaker:Okay, I know you might be thinking why in the world are we talking
Speaker:about an Egyptian soccer team?
Speaker:I thought this was supposed to be about small town friendly and I promise you
Speaker:there is a reason but before I get into it I want to give you a little bit more
Speaker:Backstory on what Sam is talking about with the Arab Spring and this soccer team
Speaker:if you're not familiar The Arab Spring was a time mainly in 2011 2012 when a
Speaker:lot of Middle Eastern countries were protesting and overthrowing their rulers.
Speaker:There were large crowds in the streets and the president of Egypt
Speaker:at that time brought in the army to try to control these crowds.
Speaker:Well, fans of the Al Ali soccer team had been vocal about supporting the overthrow
Speaker:of the president and after they lost to Al Masry, the Al Masry fans stormed the
Speaker:field, but the excitement mixed with differing political views quickly turned
Speaker:things more into a battlefield with the Al Masry fans attacking the Al Ali fans
Speaker:and this resulted in 73 people dead.
Speaker:And the worst part is that the police and the security forces refused to intervene
Speaker:because the Al Ali fans supported the movement to overthrow the president.
Speaker:Now, what does any of this have to do with Small Town Friendly?
Speaker:Well, I think it shows us a little bit more about the mindset that
Speaker:business owners need to have if they're going to make a real
Speaker:connection with Rutherford County.
Speaker:Remember what Sam said when he learned about this tragedy?
Speaker:ended up, looking into them and, was like, man, like
Speaker:these guys are super close.
Speaker:Like, I feel like, I feel like I'm a part of them now.
Speaker:He heard about this horrible event and decided that he wanted
Speaker:to be a part of that community.
Speaker:He was looking for ways to connect with people around him and
Speaker:show that he was on their team.
Speaker:I think just trying to find ways to relate to different people.
Speaker:I feel like genuinely we're always on mission regardless if we're stateside.
Speaker:Or in a different country.
Speaker:But I feel like being able to just say, Hey, like this whole week, God is truly
Speaker:to get closer to you and try to at least plant seeds for people and try to
Speaker:help people understand the truth that
Speaker:So we've talked about a few different ways that a big business can be
Speaker:a part of Small Town Friendly.
Speaker:And just to recap, we talked about leadership, putting your team first,
Speaker:about trying to serve the community, about sharing the gospel, and viewing
Speaker:yourself as part of the community, especially when things are tough.
Speaker:And if we stopped there I think that would be pretty good.
Speaker:But Sam takes things another step further by serving in the community not just with
Speaker:his business, but also in his free time.
Speaker:You remember episodes 3 and 4 about Hope Network?
Speaker:Well, in case you haven't listened to them, I'll tell you that Hope
Speaker:Network is a women's recovery ministry that's doing some amazing work
Speaker:right here in Small Town Friendly.
Speaker:And Sam is very closely connected, but I'm going to let him tell you about it.
Speaker:Big picture involvement is I'm currently the board president of a hope network.
Speaker:I spent a lot of time with our executive director, Ashley Nichols, um, trying
Speaker:to make sure that things are going well there in that, you know, we're
Speaker:budgeting correctly and doing the right things, , across the board.
Speaker:I believe it was 2022.
Speaker:She asked me to be a part of the board and they were having, obviously
Speaker:just like a lot of nonprofits, they have to figure out, okay, what's a
Speaker:fundraiser that we can do to raise funds to support our operating budget.
Speaker:I played around with the idea of a 5k thinking, Hey, like one day,
Speaker:let's, you know, let's hit this.
Speaker:And, I believe it was 22.
Speaker:And 22, we did our first 5k.
Speaker:for that my role is, I set the course and, , but also I'm kind of
Speaker:like the liaison between, Everything happening operationally for the run.
Speaker:I work with Ashley's husband, Eddie, he kind of runs our volunteers, and traffic,
Speaker:to make sure that everyone, everything runs smoothly on the day of the 5k.
Speaker:we actually just got done.
Speaker:four days ago, with the 2024 be the light 5k.
Speaker:Had over 301 people register, which for those listening, our biggest 5k in the
Speaker:county is the, education foundation, 5k, the leader of the pack 5k that one has
Speaker:been running for multiple years and has usually between, um, eight and 900 people.
Speaker:for us to be in year three and hitting 300 people is pretty amazing.
Speaker:this year was interesting it rained and it was cold the whole time.
Speaker:And so anyone that's a runner or a walker or anything for that matter, um,
Speaker:trying to run, walk in the rain and cold.
Speaker:definitely not fun.
Speaker:we, we kept it going just because there's times we weren't sure what
Speaker:the next date was going to hold.
Speaker:we're excited.
Speaker:We're going to do it again, next year, hopefully with better weather.
Speaker:I just, on that board and trying to help Ashley with the mission of Hope
Speaker:Network, is truly something that I enjoy doing and being a part of.
Speaker:I did not know you were on the board for UpNetwork.
Speaker:I keep that on the down low.
Speaker:no, I think for me,
Speaker:not a big,
Speaker:I try not to boast to myself.
Speaker:I think a lot of the things that the Lord has put in my life are things that
Speaker:I just need to steward and steward well.
Speaker:I got a lot of plates spinning, but I think it's way more important to be where
Speaker:you are seated and where your feet are.
Speaker:I try not to let anything show that I'm doing other things, other places.
Speaker:that's just kind of been my, I wouldn't say my mantra, but it's
Speaker:just kind of been, um, I have been over the past couple of years.
Speaker:my life verse is second Chronicles 15 seven, but as for you work hard
Speaker:for your hard work will be rewarded.
Speaker:I take that verse into running.
Speaker:I take that verse into everyday life just saying, I need to work hard.
Speaker:not for me, but for the Lord, um, cause my hard work will be rewarded in heaven.
Speaker:not a legalistic thing, not a, thing I have to do for the Lord to love me.
Speaker:it's more just, Hey, like I have the ability and tools to
Speaker:help other people and work hard.
Speaker:I need to find ways to steward that and
Speaker:do it well.
Speaker:All right, if there's one thing that you could
Speaker:say to everybody in rutherford
Speaker:county, what would it be
Speaker:So, so, because I love the light in the mood,
Speaker:I'd first like
Speaker:to say,
Speaker:eat more chicken.
Speaker:Um, I said just, just, just as a, just as kicks and giggles, just, just as that.
Speaker:But I think, I think what I'd like to say to all of Rutherford County
Speaker:is small town friendly only works.
Speaker:With us being small town friendly.
Speaker:what I mean by that is the same way we were on nine 12, 2001, or
Speaker:the same way we were the weeks and days after Helene is the way that.
Speaker:I think Rutherford County needs to be at all times not so much the chaos, but
Speaker:the fact that people were willing to help other people, people were willing
Speaker:to communicate their needs and people were willing to come in and meet them.
Speaker:I feel like, that's what small town friendly is all about is saying, Hey,
Speaker:how can I help the person beside me?
Speaker:And how can I look at people and say, hey, I don't know exactly
Speaker:what you're going through, But how can I help you, move forward?
Speaker:Or, hey, maybe that means that I just give you a little bit extra
Speaker:grace today and know that, the grace that I give to you will hopefully
Speaker:be given back to me at some point.
Speaker:I think we do best as a country, as a community, as a
Speaker:county, when we don't forget.
Speaker:The times that mold us together and the times that really
Speaker:put us all in the same boat.
Speaker:and we think about, each other more instead of thinking about ourselves.
Speaker:Thank you for listening to this episode of Small Town, Big God.
Speaker:I hope that this episode is leaving you encouraged and inspired to put
Speaker:everything you've got into whatever God has for you here in Small Town Friendly.
Speaker:Regardless of whether or not you work for a small company or a
Speaker:big corporation, a ministry or a business, God wants to use you to
Speaker:make a difference in your community.
Speaker:So thank you for listening and thank you for being a part of Small Town Friendly.